Helpful Advice For A Quiet Night’s Rest Without Snoring

Don’t believe you are the only person in the world with a snoring problem. Forty percent of men and twenty-five percent of women suffer from snoring. The prevalence of snoring becomes even greater as people age. If you would like to find a way to stop or at least minimize your snoring, or perhaps it is your loved one keeping you awake at night, continue on for great advice on this topic.

To prevent snoring, alter your sleep position. Lying on the back causes most people to snore because the head is forced downwards by gravity, and the throat closes up slightly. Sleeping on the side is easier, less straining on the neck, and it reduces snoring.

Stay away from cigarettes if you tend to snore. Smoking causes the tissues located in back of the throat to become swollen and irritated. Having a swollen throat can cause a lot of snoring.

Ask your doctor if any of the prescription, or over-the-counter medications, you’re taking could be causing or worsening your snoring. Some of them might be the cause of your snoring problem. For example, pain killers and muscle relaxants can loosen the muscles in your throat, causing it to restrict your airway. When your airways are restricted, snoring can occur.

It seems ironic, but taking sleeping pills can lead to snoring; if you avoid taking them, therefore, you can reduce the likelihood that you will snore. A sleeping pill works by relaxing your muscles. The pills that keep your nasal passage open will sag, so this leads to the passages becoming narrower. This constriction of your airways can lead directly to a night filled with snoring.

Being overweight, specifically those with excessive neck fat, are more likely to snore. The extra fatty tissue that surround overweight people’s windpipes exasperates the situation. If you are a little heavier than you should be, endeavor to become thinner immediately. Not only can you stop your snoring, but you will be healthier as well.

Snoring not only affects your sleep habits, but those of your partner as well. It can also be dangerous medically, depending on the cause. If you or someone you know snores, it is important to become educated on the topic. Use what you’ve read here to help you get the sleep you deserve.

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