Simple Solutions To Your Sleep Apnea Questions

This article will be of great use to anyone who is affected by sleep apnea. It is true that untreated sleep apnea can lead to poor health, but these health consequences can be completely avoided with proper management. Carefully study the sleep apnea health tips and advice contained in this article and apply them to your life.

Do you sometimes drink or smoke? If you suffer from sleep apnea, quit smoking and cut down on your alcohol consumption. Using these vices can harm your airways. When you smoke you can harm your lungs, and it can be hard for you to breathe at night. Alcohol has a similarly negative effect. If losing these habits is not possible, then at least limit yourself before going to bed.

Try losing weight if you are obese. It is widely known that being overweight is the cause of sleep apnea for some people. Consequently, it is therefore possible that losing just twenty-five pounds could result in a dramatic improvement of your sleep apnea symptoms if you are currently suffering from obesity.

Do you smoke or sometimes drink? Drop these unhealthy habits. The reason is because these harmful substances impact your airways, and as a result, your sleep. Alcohol relaxes some throat muscles to the point that sleep apnea becomes worse. Cigarettes also cause you to have difficulty breathing. If you’re not able to stop smoking and drinking, at least don’t do them before you fall asleep.

You may be able to address your sleep apnea by simply changing from back sleeping to side sleeping. When you sleep on your back, the airways get obstructed due to the throat and nasal passages being more prone to obstruction. Make it a habit of falling asleep on your side, which hopefully does alleviate some of these sleep apnea symptoms.

Keeping a sleep log can help your doctor diagnose you with sleep apnea. In it, you’ll be expected to log the hours you sleep nightly, any symptoms you may feel and the overall quality of your sleep. The person you sleep next to can alert you to your snoring, if you stop breathing or you move your limbs suddenly. All these will assist your physician in making a formal diagnosis.

Sleep apnea can produce serious repercussions in your overall state of health, especially if you don’t do anything to treat it. Luckily, there are several treatments available. Use what you learned in this article and consult with a doctor in order to help ensure that you’re staying in the best shape possible.

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